Matthew 22:15-22
Gospel Message from Pastor William
The church leaders try to entrap Jesus again. This time, it is a question about paying taxes. But Jesus turns the focus back on them by asking them to produce the coin with which they pay their taxes – note that there are two types of coins in circulation: Roman and Temple. The church leaders rightly produced a Roman coin to pay Roman taxes. But, keeping the Temple coins in their pockets is the problem Jesus has with them! They are not using God’s money for God’s work; they are keeping it to themselves. They are being selfish! How much are you withholding in your pocket?
Psalm 96:1-9
Paraphrased by Pastor William
Sing to God like you’ve never sung before!
Everyone and everything sing out!
God’s creation is amazing and wonderful!
God loves all people
with overflowing crazy affection.
People have many gods and idols,
but they cannot do what God has done.
Our God made everything…
…made the heavens,
…made the planets and stars,
…made every living thing,
…made you and me.
Come learn just how much you are loved…
…beyond reason,
…beyond measure,
…beyond condition.
Tell everyone of these amazing truths!
Sing to God like you’ve never sung before.
Matthew 22:15-22
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
The church leaders ask Jesus a question about the legality of paying taxes. Jesus answers by asking a question about stewardship: Whose coin do you use to pay taxes? They produce a Roman coin, keeping the Temple coins in their pocket – safe and secure, unwilling to part with them. Oh yes, that’s the opposite of stewardship – they think God’s money is theirs to keep for themselves.
Stewardship in our community
Coincidentally, in this country the final deadline for filing taxes was this week (October 15). It is fairly common to cheat a little on one’s taxes – common but not morally right. Again, the opposite of stewardship.
Stewardship in practice
What does Jesus want the church leaders to do with the Temple coins in their pocket? Not hang onto them so tightly. He wants them to use God’s money for God’s purpose. God gives money so it can be used to expand God’s kingdom, not kept for self-interest.
Matthew 22:1-14
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
In this parable about a king inviting people to a wedding banquet only to be rejected, Jesus says the king ends up telling his slaves to go invite anyone they can find; both the good and the bad. Jesus is like the king; he just wants people to show up; he’ll take care of the banquet and provide what is needed.
Stewardship in our community
Jesus’ kingdom banquet is for everyone who will show up; good or bad. There is no prequalification. There is no-one rejected. There is no need to know the secret entry code. Just show up! God’s abundant nature will provide all that is needed. Just show up! God’s hospitality will astound.
Stewardship in practice
Some people are reluctant to accept invitations to church because they are unsure of what to expect, or they just don’t think church offers anything they need. Maybe, they even think the only reason we invite them is because we want something from them. What if we invited them because we just can’t hold back giving something to them? What if we just shower them with love, acceptance, inclusion, and sensitivity to their needs?
Psalm 23
Paraphrased by Pastor William
Oh Lord, you are my protecting shepherd.
You provide my every need.
You bed me down in the greenest of meadows.
You bring me to the cool refreshing brook.
You allow me to pause,
and then send me forward in the right direction.
Even though death and danger surround me,
you are beside me, giving me comfort.
You provide an abundant feast,
for my body, heart and soul.
You lift my tired body and being.
You fill me with your grace and love.
I’m at home with you,
now and forever.
Matthew 22:1-14
Gospel Message from Pastor William
Jesus tells a parable about how those who were invited to a wedding banquet, but rejected the invitation; which upsets the king who invited them. The king goes on to tell his slaves to go invite everyone, “both good and bad”, to come. Jesus invites all the good and bad folks to come into his kingdom banquet. We are those slaves whom Jesus asks to go out to invite “everyone you find to the (kingdom) banquet”. Will you be a faithful slave of Jesus? Will you invite everyone you find? Jesus is counting on you.
Did you know the space where we worship on Sunday is not a Sanctuary? Many people, including pastors, misuse the name Sanctuary to describe that space. So, you may wonder, if it’s not a Sanctuary, what is it? Read this article and you might find yourself saying; I Didn’t Know That.
Many churches have multiple areas in the worship space (see diagram), at Zion there are four:
For simplicity, we refer to the whole area as the Worship Space, for that is what is done in the nave, chancel and sanctuary. Now you know.
Psalm 80:7-15
Paraphrased by Pastor William
God of the angels;
your smile delights us.
You brought the vine from captivity;
you re-planted it in safety.
You cleared the ground of weeds;
it grew abundantly under your care.
It grew so high it shaded your mountains,
It reached up to the tallest trees;
it grew so wide it touched the seas,
it took root in the mighty rivers.
Why then do you no longer protect it?
Everyone eats of its fruits;
the animals trample and ruin it;
everything takes advantage of it.
Remember us, your vine, O great Creator;
pour your life-giving attention on us,
restore us, O God of love;
renew our life with your grace.
Matthew 21:33-46
Gospel Message from Pastor William
Jesus speaks to the church leaders, trying to get them to understand that it is their duty to expand the kingdom of God. Those church leaders were more focused inward; to keeping God’s love and compassion for themselves. So too today, too many church leaders focus on increasing attendance in an effort to keep their buildings open. They, and we, tend to forget that Jesus’ teaching is about going out to spread his love and compassion to those who do not know about it. The key verb here is; go! Are you going, are you spreading the word?
Matthew 21:33-46
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus teaches that inheritance is kingdom of God related. Well, actually, it is about what we think we are owed as an inheritance. You see, inheritance is about what the owner of something wants someone else to receive. God wants us to receive what God has; life!
Stewardship in our community
We tend to focus on what belongs to us and to whom we want to give it. We make rules for what people can do with what we leave them in our wills. We want to control our stuff even after we are gone. Don’t think so? How much of what you have left when you die are you leaving to God’s work being done by your church? Yeah, I thought so.
Stewardship in practice
Our life in Jesus is an inheritance we receive while we are alive. Our relationship as a Child of God is meant to change our life here and now. Does your changed life affect others in a positive way? Start living your life in a way that others are benefited. Then move to how your financial resources benefit others. The ultimate display of your changed life is in how your death will benefit those who do not know the love of Christ. You see, eternal life is not something you get when you die; it is something you give to others when you die.