Palm Sunday concludes our 40 day Lenten journey. It recognizes the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and is marked by words of praise and adoration for the God who came to save us.

Sadly, that joy is short-lived as we recognize the reality of what awaits Jesus after his final entry into Jerusalem; the cross, for our sake.

Before we celebrate the Resurrection, we are called to remember that Jesus’ suffering and death demonstrates God’s love for us.

We experience this through Holy Week services; Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.  Unfortunately, participation in these vital worship experience has waned over the decades.

In response, the church began to couple the joy of Palm Sunday with the passion of Christ’s arrest, persecution, and death.

We will uncouple these two significant events in the life of Christians; thus bringing us an opportunity to walk closer with Jesus.

You are encouraged to fully participate in this most significant part of the church year; immersing ourselves in Holy Week services – we look forward to being with you at both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship services.

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