• With a deep appreciation...

    and grateful heart I am writing to applaud all your efforts in assisting our area with your kindness. You are a working example of love in our community and should be reminded what a special impact you are having for our community in need….You stand out in your example of love for your neighbors in more ways than one!!
    {Thank you card from a Food Pantry/Shared Goods Place Client}
    Learn More
  • Indeed, God did not send the Son into 

             the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

    John 3:17


We are so glad you landed here. There is a place for you at this congregation called Zion; a place of unconditional love, a place of openness and acceptance, a place that longs to hear what you have to say, a place of grace for uniqueness, a place of hope for the future, and a place of vitality and purpose.

Come as you are…leave feeling loved, accepted, and valued.

We are grounded in three aspects of what we think it means to be a church, the living body of Jesus the Christ which is made present in the fellowship of believers:
     + Enthusiastic Discipleship
         We will enthusiastically support and encourage one another to learn more about Jesus, embrace God’s love for all creation, and 
         connect with the Holy Spirit in grace-filled relationships.

     + Innovative Outreach
         We will reach out to our community in consistently innovative ways to share the love of Jesus.

     + Transformative Acts of Service
         We will persistently practice kindness and service that will transform us and our community.


Worship is the word used to describe our time together on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and Sunday mornings at 9:00. We gather together to pray, sing, give thanks, hear God’s word as expressed in the Holy Bible and the sermon, and receive God’s grace in the body and blood of Christ (Holy Communion.)

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“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

-Isaiah 41:10
February 12,2025 Wednesday
February 12,2025 Wednesday

Wednesday Outdoor Worship

Join us Wednesdays for our casual service at 7 PM! Services are held in our outdoor pavilion, weather permitting. Otherwise, it is inside. November 1st all services will be moved inside. If you would like to remain in your car for the outdoor service, you can also listen tune in to the service on your […]
February 16,2025 Sunday
February 16,2025 Sunday

Sunday Worship

There is a place for you here. Come as you are...leave knowing you are loved and valued! Welcome Our goal is that you to feel comfortable coming here - whether it is your first time in a church, or you are a seasoned participant. Dress takes many forms from formal to casual. Please wear what […]
February 16,2025 Sunday
February 16,2025 Sunday

Adult Sunday School

Join us here at Zion on Sunday mornings from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM for Adult Sunday School!
February 17,2025 Monday
February 17,2025 Monday

Shared Goods Place

Zion's Shared Good Place (Clothing Closet) is not just for clothing donation. We distribute toys, and make household items available, too. With the kind and generous donations that have been received by members and friends, we have been able to help hundreds in our community.
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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me (Matthew 25:35-36.)
Food Pantry
Feeding Stark County families
physically & spiritually.
Learn More
Shared Goods Place
Sharing our gifts
with the community.
Learn More
Habitat for Humanity
Building God’s Kingdom by
helping others in need.
Learn More

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