Bible Studies

To grow our understanding of God’s Word and strengthen our relationships with God, each other and our community.

Weekly Bible Discussion

Discussion of the upcoming Sunday's Bible readings

Stay tuned for more details on day and time.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please invite  your friends and family.

Women's Bible Study

All women are invited to an at-home Bible Study with Cindy Bagocius at her home on the first Monday of the month. Devote an hour at 2:00 PM in the Word and in the company of each other. The material to be used is from the GATHER Magazine of WELCA.

Join us for a discussion from the female perspective

Please contact the Office for details (330) 499-3909

Men's Bible Study

The Men of Zion host a Continental Breakfast along with a Bible Study Session on the last Saturday of every month.

Join us at 8:30 am for a light breakfast and a one hour Bible study.

Come and be part of God's word and fellowship! All men are invited so bring a friend or two!

Please contact the Office for details (330) 499-3909


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