Community Service

Jesus Calls Us to Serve Others

A core belief of ours is that Jesus calls us to serve others – all others, particularly those in physical, emotional, economic, and spiritual need. We believe Jesus’ words that when we serve others we are really serving Jesus himself (Matthew 25:31-46.)

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me (Matthew 25:35-36.)

We believe that this service should be transformative – for both the one serving and the one being served. We commit ourselves to persistently practice acts of kindness and service that will transform us and our community.

Zion offers many opportunities to serve others, here's a few in which we participate:

Food Pantry

Shared Goods Place

Comfort Givers

Stark County Humane Society

The Akron Canton Food Bank

Habitat for Humanity East Central Ohio

Meals On Wheels America

Domestic Violence Project

Refuge of Hope Ministries

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