Pastor’s Ponderings
January, 2022
Yes! A new year! A time to put the past behind us and look ahead to what could be a great year. What, I ponder, might the new year hold for us here at Zion? Here are four powerful cornerstones I hope you too will ponder:
- Church Growth
Might this be the year we see some more people participating in the life of this congregation outside of the worship hour? Might we see more children and adults in Sunday School, expanding their relationship with God and each other? Might more of our neighborhood community see us as an integral part of their life and participate in our community events.
- Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
What are the signs of this congregation? Signs point to, or identify something; its location and purpose. What do our signs tell our community? Do they send a message of love and a place where they will be protected and valued? To us, the cross represent love, grace and inclusion; how do we send that message to our community?
- Somebody ought to…
Often we see something amiss, or notice that something didn’t get done and say; Somebody ought to fix that, or pick that up, or do that differently, or… , the list is endless. Perhaps it might be better to for us to ask; How might I be part of the solution? What might I do to bring excitement and enthusiasm to worship? What might I do to encourage and support the people already doing so much here? How might I participate in some small way to share and show the love of Christ?
- The 80/20 Rule
It is often said that 80% of the work in a congregation is done by 20% of the people. But we are fortunate; we have about 44% of the people doing God’s work with their hands. They are preparing and serving congregation meals, organizing and serving at our community events, building quilts, sending cards, setting up and cleaning up the chancel, organizing and serving the Shared Goods place, setting up and serving the Food Pantry, and taking leadership roles on Task Forces, Ministries, Council, worship assistants, sound/video technicians, and music leaders. They go above and beyond; might you make the time to let them know you appreciate the work they do to make this a vital congregation?
Christians are called to not be conformed to this world’s ways, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, for the sole purpose of discerning God’s will (Romans 12:2.) How will you renew your faith this new year?
I look forward to hearing what you’ve been pondering.
Graciously, Pr. William