Stewardship Soundings – Know God’s Purpose
Focus scripture: Luke 7:31-35, where Jesus compares what people are saying about John the Baptizer and him.
It seems people find something wrong with both John (accused demon) and Jesus (accused glutton and drunkard) that prevents them from hearing what those two men are saying about God and God’s purpose.
Jesus claims the people are like children playing games, the girls don’t want to play the game the boys are proposing, and the boys don’t want to play the game the girls are proposing. Perhaps both sides need to be a little more flexible and less self-centered.
And isn’t that what God is trying to tell us through John and Jesus? Hey children, God says, a little less self-focus, a little more compassion for the other side.
So, what is God’s purpose? Might it be that God…
Jesus ended our focus scripture (Luke 7:31-35) saying that wisdom is cleared of suspicion by her children. We, God’s (wisdom’s) children, validate God when we believe Jesus’ words of love and forgiveness and follow his instructions for life in community with one another. An example of how we do this is found in the words of absolution we encounter at every worship service:
“In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for his sake God forgives us all our sins.”
You see, God is the one who benefits by our being made whole through Jesus’ acts of love and selflessness. God’s purpose is that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). We validate this love and forgiveness by believing it and living a life of abundant love, grace, and forgiveness; both for ourselves and of others. That is stewardship.