Stewardship Soundings – Stewardship Is and Is Not
Let us spend some time on what stewardship is not. Consider; stewardship is not about…
- …giving of your time, abilities or treasure.
- …how much or what percentage you give of your time,
abilities or treasure.
- …being made to feel guilty so you give more of your time,
abilities or treasure.
- …an obligation you have to give something back to God.
- …a requirement to receive God’s grace and love.
Now, let’s look at what stewardship might be about. Consider; stewardship is about…
- …how you obtained that which you have; time, abilities or
- …what you value or is important to you.
- …what is available to you to share.
- …how you show appreciation for that which you have;
time, abilities or treasure.
- …your response to being loved beyond measure.