Psalm 19 paraphrase by Pastor William
Look up! See the sky and stars;
they declare God’s magnificence.
All day and all night;
they call out the truth.
God made the sun;
it shines light into darkness,
nothing can hide from its heat.
God made laws that bring life;
they benefit all creation,
they help us live in community.
All of it is the best thing going;
better than glimmering gold;
better than sweet honey.
But wait, there’s more!
Keep alert! Pay attention!
God chooses to not remember,
the things we do wrong.
Our wrongs are not held against us;
we are freed to live.
Freed to enjoy God’s creation;
freed to care for it too.
Let these words remain in my mouth;
let them be in my heart;
you, God, are my rock!