Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus goes to where sinners hang out and eats with them. Yikes! Doesn’t he know what might happen if he hangs out with sinners? Actually, he does know. He knows they will feel loved. He knows they might just believe that he came for them too.
Stewardship in our community
All people need to feel loved. Not loved for how good they are, or the good they do, but just plain loved. Fixing people is not our job; loving people is. We are to love as often and as intensely as Jesus first loved us.
Stewardship in practice
A familiar saying is; love the person, hate the sin. But that is not what Jesus does, he loves the person. Period. His love changes lives. Who can you love this week? Is there someone whose behavior you don’t like? That person is a great place to start loving the way Jesus loves you.