Stewardship Moment - 10-24-21

Stewardship in the Gospel

Bartimaeus’ faith in Jesus frees him to a new life; here and now. Bartimaeus is saved so that he can be re-connected to society and to this God who loves him. He has been given life, abundant life; just as Jesus promised (John 10:10.)

Stewardship in our community

So many in our community do not lead an abundant life. Both rich and poor lead lives of scarcity. But, those connected to the God of life see Jesus at work and lead a life committed to following him.

Stewardship in practice

Following Jesus is about how we are part of changing the lives of all people, here and now. Every time you grocery shop, add at least one item that a food pantry needs; then drop it off. This small, but deliberate, action will aid you in seeing God at work, and help bring about abundant life for others. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but insensitivity.

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