Matthew 14:13-21
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus has compassion for the crowd and feeds them abundantly. That same compassionate action is what Jesus faithfully entrusts to us today.
Stewardship in our community
Compassion seems to be scarce in some of the action and talk of our community and its leaders. Things might be better for all people if concern and kindness is used liberally. Jesus showed great benevolence to the gathered crowd by feeding them. What difference might the same benevolent action by us do for our community?
Stewardship in practice
Jesus commands us to care for others in the same way and as often as did he. This week, express benevolence to a group you hear being bemoaned by others. Speak well about that group. Engage others in prayer for that group. Take some kind of personal benevolent action for that group. Then stand back, and watch God’s kingdom in action; an action you help make a reality.