Stewardship Moment - 16th Sunday after Pentecost



Matthew 18:21-35

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Peter understands that Jesus wants him to forgive others, really, he does, but isn’t there a limit to that forgiveness? No!, says Jesus. Just like there is no limit to how often and completely Jesus forgives you.


Stewardship in our community

The whole purpose of forgiveness is to correct broken relationships. Families have broken relationships because we hurt each other and don’t forgive. Society has broken relationships for the same reason. When we withhold forgiveness, we carry around pain. Forgiveness must happen in order to release that pain – whether the person asks for it or not.


Stewardship in practice

Jesus wants us to put on the cloak of forgiveness. The cloak that warms hearts. The cloak that protects from the bitter cold of hate and pain. When we forgive as often and as completely as we are forgiven, relationships are restored and all is well with the world. Remember, you are forgiven. Now spread some of that forgiveness. You’ve got nothing to lose but the pain.

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