Matthew 20:1-16
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus teaches that God’s kingdom come is a welcoming place where the first to show up are treated just as importantly as the last to show up. Jesus doesn’t play favorites, he’s more interested in getting everyone into the kingdom, than in who came first.
Stewardship in our community
Why are some so late coming into the kingdom? Quite simply, because we fail to invite them to this crazy way of life where everyone is equally celebrated and valued. Sometimes we are worried that they might make us feel uncomfortable and want to change things, and that inhibits our role in growing God’s kingdom.
Stewardship in practice
Our place in God’s kingdom come is enhanced by the inclusion of others. United as one body in Christ, we will grow together in Jesus’ way of life. We will blossom together when we nurture and encourage one another. Our life together will be far better than our life apart. When we take that attitude, God’s kingdom come will flourish.