18th Sunday after Pentecost – Luke 17:11-19
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus encounters ten lepers who ask for his mercy. The amazing thing is not that Jesus showed them mercy, but that one of them was an enemy – a Samaritan! Even more amazing, is that this enemy had faith in Jesus, just like the nine Jews who were healed with him. Jesus’ mercy is for all people, regardless of their religious, political, or national affiliation.
Stewardship in our community
Jesus deemed all ten lepers worthy because they believed in Jesus and held him as their epistates (Greek; meaning commander.) They would do whatever Jesus commanded. There are many powerful, wealthy, prominent people in society that command our loyalty. But Jesus is the only one worthy of it.
Stewardship in practice
We spend a lot of time, energy, and resources demonstrating our loyalty to sports teams, political parties, brands of clothing and other labels. But Jesus’ desire is that we put our faith solely in him and that more than anything, our loyalty is to Jesus. This week, make an effort to change one allegiance from prominence to secondary place. Find a way to demonstrate this change of allegiance by using that time, energy and resource to serve Jesus by serving others.