19th Sunday after Pentecost – Luke 18:1-8
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus contrasts a selfish God-less judge with self-giving God. If even this self-centered judge will grant justice to the oppressed widow, will not our compassionate merciful God grant justice to the oppressed? Certainly!
Stewardship in our community
When the world speaks of justice, it really means retribution. In God’s kingdom come, justice means restoration. It is rebuilding those who are torn down. It is elevating those who are put down. It is familial welcoming of those who are cast out.
Stewardship in practice
At the end of today’s parable, Jesus ponders whether he will see justice being executed by those who claim him as their Lord. Faith means trust and commitment. Faith is not something to hold, but something to do. This week, for every can of soup or box of cereal you buy for yourself, buy one for those experiencing the injustice of hunger. Add it to a “Blessing Box” at a local church, or give it to a food pantry. Then challenge yourself to be even more generous every time you shop. Execute justice.