1st Sunday of Advent – Luke 1:5-38
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
The angel Gabriel has a message from God; there are going to be two miracle births (John and Jesus). These two births are examples of God’s abundant provision to us.
Stewardship in our community
There are plenty of examples of God’s abundant provision: air we breathe, plants that cover the earth, medical and engineering talents, food so plentiful we discard anything slightly imperfect, and people in every shape, size and color.
Stewardship in practice
Take note of the abundance that surrounds you. God’s hand is in everything and everyone. We see it in our family and friends, but do we see it in our home life, in our work environment, in the world at large? This week, make time to see and appreciate all that God has provided for you. Then, give God thanks and ask for guidance in how you can honor that which God entrust to your care.