Stewardship Moment - 20th Sunday after Pentecost



20th Sunday after Pentecost – Luke 18:9-14

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Jesus contrasts the man who sees a problem with the other man, with the man who sees the way he is part of the problem. Jesus commends the later man for seeing how he needs mercy for his errant ways. In essence, that man is calling on God’s mercy to make a difference in him so he can make a difference in the world.


Stewardship in our community

When language is “we” and “they” laden, it is divisive, not uniting. Our mailboxes are full of candidates using “they” language. Our conversations regarding the problems of the world are full of “they” language. Our prayers are full of “they” language. All this is the opposite of stewardship – good care of that which belongs to someone else.

Stewardship in practice

Jesus commends the man who uses “I” language. “I” am broken and need help. “I” am part of why things don’t work well for all people. “I” need to make changes in myself so others can be lifted up. This week, make a concerted effort to eliminate “they” from your language. Instead, ask yourself; How can “I” be part of the solution?”


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