Stewardship Moment - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany



2nd Sunday after Epiphany – John 1:29-42

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Jesus calls his first disciples to “come and see” what he was up to. He wanted them to understand that he came to make a difference in the world. He wanted them to be part of that difference.

Stewardship in our community

There are many in our community who need to see what Jesus is up to. They need to know that walking with Jesus makes a difference; in their lives and in the lives of those with whom they interact.

Stewardship in practice

Jesus invites disciples into a new life with him. A new life that shares Jesus’ love with others. This week, focus on being Jesus’ love. Make all your words and actions reflect Jesus’ love for you. Treat others as Jesus would treat them, as if he was right at your side showing you the way to do it, because he is.

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