3rd Sunday of Easter – John 21:1-19
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
The risen Jesus appears to his disciples as they return to their jobs of fishing. But, Jesus calls them to a new job of caring for his flock. Having been reconciled to God through Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is time for something new – sharing that love and forgiveness with others.
Stewardship in our community
Society desperately needs to know of Jesus’ total and unmerited love and forgiveness. Too many people struggle trying to make their lives whole, trying to make sense of a fallen world, and trying to make things right by themselves. Jesus provided the way to this new life.
Stewardship in practice
Jesus loves and forgives you – regardless of how many times you err, or how infrequently you act differently afterwards. Do you feel his love and forgiveness? Once you make time to recognize it, how about sharing it by loving and forgiving others?