4th Sunday after Epiphany – Matthew 5:1-12
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus teaches his disciples (students) that to be part of God’s kingdom brings happiness. Jesus welcomes into his kingdom those who lack the spirit of life lived beyond themselves. When we accept his invitation, we will be happy to have his Spirit of life that reaches beyond ourselves.
Stewardship in our community
Marketing campaigns teach us to grab all we can for ourselves; that we deserve to have things others have. It teaches us to have a self-focused life. Jesus declares this a life without spirit. Jesus teaches us that true happiness comes in having a life of the Spirit.
Stewardship in practice
Consider whether your daily actions are self-focused, or Spirit-focused. Happiness comes in focusing on benefiting others. Jesus includes us in his kingdom because he wants us filled with his Spirit of life, the Spirit of true happiness. A life lived outside of “self”.