Stewardship Moment - 4th Sunday after Pentecost



4th Sunday after Pentecost – Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Jesus sent 70 disciples to go ahead of him into the towns he intended to visit to declare the kingdom of God has come near. Jesus wanted people to have the opportunity to hear the good news and share in the life-giving kingdom of God.


Stewardship in our community

We too, are called to go and share the good news with our neighbors, but we tend to be more concerned about neighbors who will reject us rather than those whose lives will be changed by accepting what we have to say. Certainly, it is difficult to be rejected, but Jesus’ message of abundant eternal life that starts here and now is too valuable to keep to ourselves.


Stewardship in practice

Evangelism, going to tell others about the love of Jesus, is one of the scariest things asked of Christians, but it doesn’t have to be so. First, recognize that God chose and loves you unconditionally. Then, recognize that God chose and loves your neighbors too. Now, how hard can it be to tell people they are chosen and loved? You, and they, need to know about this unconditional love.

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