4th Sunday of Easter – John 10:1-10
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Jesus says he is the gate by which the sheep receive abundant life. It is our loving and giving God’s good pleasure to give us what we need, and to give it abundantly. We don’t need to struggle to compete. There is more than enough for all to live well.
Stewardship in our community
The community tends to think of resources as a net sum, finite amount. But Jesus teaches us there is plenty more available. We just need to change our focus from gathering all we can for ourselves, to giving for the greater good of all. Then Jesus will show us the abundancy of God.
Stewardship in practice
What can you change this week to show you get God’s abundant way of life? Could you make time to call someone you haven’t seen at church lately to see how their doing? Could you forgo one meal/coffee/purchase and add the savings to your offering for ministry? Could you add an item or two to your grocery shopping for the food pantry?