Stewardship Moment - Baptism of Our Lord Sunday

Baptism of Our Lord Sunday – Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Jesus is baptized and all kinds of things happen; the Holy Spirit fills him, and God claims him as Son and Beloved. Kinship, union, and pride – all three are attributes of stewardship, when we recognize God in action.

Stewardship in our community

Everyone is created by God. Baptism is God claiming us as God’s own – kinship. In Baptism God does the work of uniting us into a new family with Christ as our head.


Stewardship in practice:

Let us help each other see everyone as our kin. Let us treat everyone as a beloved child of God. Let us look past that which divides us, and look closely at that which unites us – creations of God.

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