Christ the King Sunday – Luke 23:33-43
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
Our King goes to the cross for us. What do we do for out King? All he asks is for us to follow him. Follow him into the messy lives of those who don’t know of his love. Follow him into the prisons of substance abuse, wrong living, and loneliness to act out his comforting grace. Follow him into places of scarcity to share his abundance and generosity.
Stewardship in our community
Society teaches us make our own way, to provide for ourselves, and to declare our freedom from others. Jesus teaches and shows us to make our way his way, to see to the needs of others, and to declare the freedom of others from those who oppress them.
Stewardship in practice
Jesus asks us to see how we are blessed by our Father in Heaven. Then, we are to seek ways to bless others. When was the last time you blessed someone in your words and actions? Make Christ your King by following his example and commands to benefit others.