First Sunday in Lent – Matthew 4:1-11
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
The devil tempts Jesus, trying to erase God’s recent claim of him as Beloved Son (3:13-17). The devil recognizes this challenge to his ministry and strikes immediately to thwart that challenge. But Jesus has none of it. Jesus relies upon his connection with God and scripture to strengthen himself to ruin the devil’s plans.
Stewardship in our community
The devil throws many challenges our way too. Challenges that seek to erase our identity as God’s children. Jesus calls us to worship God and serve God by serving others. Our role as children of God is to seek to do good for Jesus’ sake, to care for all the “least of these” his children, and to help bring about God’s kingdom in this place and time.
Stewardship in practice
Let us focus on our identity as children of God. Let us seek to see that all others are also created in God’s image. Let us seek to serve, rather than be served. This week, stive to interact with everyone you encounter as Martin Luther instructs us; be Christ to our neighbor.