Stewardship Moment - Palm Sunday



Palm Sunday – John 12:12-16

Stewardship Moment from Pastor William


Stewardship in the Gospel

Jesus comes into Jerusalem and people want to make him king. A takeover king who will reward them for their behavior. But Jesus wants to be the king of love and service; a king the people will imitate in their thoughts, words, and deeds.

Stewardship in our community

We tend to imitate the behavior of people we want to become; social media starts, sports stars, and movie stars. We tend to know more about these famous people than we know about Jesus. We tend to talk more about these stars than we talk about Jesus. In that behavior, we perpetuate the wrong kind of stewardship.

Stewardship in practice

This week, search out and learn about attributes of loving giving servants of Christ such as: Mother Theresa, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Graham. Then commit to modeling an aspect of their behavior that you find in line with the way of Jesus.

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