Resurrection Sunday – Luke 24:1-12
Stewardship Moment from Pastor William
Stewardship in the Gospel
The tomb is empty, the living will not be found amongst the dead. The women were reminded that Jesus said it would happen this way and when they returned from the tomb, “they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest” (verses 8-9). There we go, good managers of the Good News; taking care to tell the whole story and telling everyone.
Stewardship in our community
Society tends to work in sound bites; full news stories are surmised from a headline of a few words. But not these ladies; they told the whole story – to everyone! Even though it seemed “an idle tale” to some, they told the account of Jesus’ mission, death and resurrection. Society needs to hear that this Good New is for them.
Stewardship in practice
We Christians often shy away from telling people about Jesus because so many do not believe or are not interested. Shame on us for giving up. The women of our gospel story are good role models for us. This week, commit to telling at least one person per day that Jesus loves them, and so do you. Share the Good News.